Matt Mullenweg 寫了一篇文章簡單提到 WordPress 誕生 20 年:「WP20 & Audrey Scholars」。
雖然 Matt Mullenweg 在文章裡都沒提到,但 WordPress 的興起其實跟當年 2004 年最大的 blog 軟體 Movable Type 自己出的包有很大的關係:
With the release of version 3.0 in 2004, there were marked changes in Movable Type’s licensing, most notably placing greater restrictions on its use without paying a licensing fee. This sparked criticism from some users of the software, with some moving to the then-new open-source blogging tool WordPress. With the release of Movable Type 3.2, the ability to create an unlimited number of weblogs at all licensing levels was restored. In Movable Type 3.3, the product once again became completely free for personal users.
當年 hlb 在社團主機上用 Movable Type 架了服務讓大家寫,結果後來發生了 license 問題,大家就都順勢跑到 WordPress 上了;而等到 Movable Type 再次想放寬 license 的時候已經來不及了,大家都已經搬完了。
翻了一下最舊的文章 (在另外一個 WordPress 上) 是在 2004 年十月的時候寫的,就有提到當時從 Movable Type 換到 WordPress 的考量:「開場:為什麼用 WordPress」。