在「Amazon SQS announces increased throughput quota for FIFO High Throughput mode」這邊看到 AWS 提高了 Amazon SQS 中 FIFO throughput 的限制,這本來是個常常有的公告,但讓我意外的是不同區域拉高的數量是不同的:
Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) announces an increased quota for a high throughput mode for FIFO queues, allowing you to process up to 9,000 transactions per second, per API action in US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Europe (Ireland), Europe (Frankfurt) regions. For Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and Asia Pacific (Tokyo) regions, the throughput quota has been increased to 4,500 transactions per second, per API action. For all other regions where SQS is generally available today, the quota for high throughput mode quota has been increased to 2,400 transactions per second.
第一梯隊的 (像是 us-east-1
與 eu-west-1
) 都是 9000 tps,而第二梯隊是 4500 tps,沒列在上面的區域是 2400 tps。
另外一個比較特別的是 Frankfurt 區居然在第一梯隊…